Friday, May 30, 2014

Vincent, Do You Remember What You Said To Me?

"Vincent, do you remember what you said to me?" I am quite scare of hearing such a sentence when it comes from people whom I have analysed their Bazi before. I have a few cases when people suddenly ask me this because I have said something to them in the past.

I recalled an incident of a Taiwanese lady. She was one of my Taiwanese friend's friends who were invited over to his house when I was visiting on a holiday. They heard that I could do fortune telling and so wanted me to do some readings for them.

Since they were my Taiwanese friends, I didn't refuse and did the analysis on the spot. For such impromptus cases, I usually just said it out briefly without keeping a record of what I said. I thought it was just for fun.

Until, two years later she messaged me on the Facebook suddenly. As if she was one of those who wished to test on my memory, she asked me if I remembered what I said to her during the bazi reading session 2 years ago. I said no. I don't usually remember exactly what I said after I said it, and I don't make an effort to remember a person's bazi unless it is stored in my apps.

In any case, she went on to refresh my memory that I told her to pay more attention to her marriage as her marriage might have problem. Back then, she was happily married with a child. She wouldn't have thought otherwise but surprisingly she remembered my words.

And so, she was devestated when she found her husband having an affair and her husband wanted a divorce. Besides her heartache on her husband infidelity, she was more concerned about her child's well being. She asked me for advice.

Apparently, a divorce in Taiwan is really a clean divorce. Unlike in Singapore, couples have a 3 years separation period. I think it is good for the couples to cool down and seriously think about their marriage or to plan for their life after divorce. And I think they do not have a Woman's Charter to protect female spouse and children financially in such cases of failed marriage.

I look at her husband's chart, and it seemed if she could try to hold the marriage for one more year there could be improvement. Even if none, at least she could prepare herself during this one year emotionally and financially. As after her divorce, she would have to start working to feed herself and her child. Her daughter would be in her custody. Her life would change while she has to cope with working and looking after her young child.

Her husband was very insistent on the divorce. She was concerned that if she did not sign on the divorce paper, her husband would not want to visit their daugther anymore. I told her the one year period would be a trial period to see whether her husband would still care for her daughter or just an excuse to get them out of the house.

As much as I was advising her to hold on to the marriage, she told me in our next online session that she had signed on the paper. Her husband verbally agreed to visit the daugther on weekends if she signed on the paper to divorce. And so she feared if she did not sign on it, her daughter would not see her father anymore.

There was nothing much I could do since she already took her action and I wished her well.

The next time she messaged me, she was telling me how difficult she had to cope in waking up early to send her child to school, then she went on her work. After work, she had to fetch her and cook for her at home. While she was feeling drained physically, what anger her most was her husband back out of his words and did not visit her daughter as he promised. Infact, he was uncontactable after signing the paper.

I could only lend a listening ear as there wasn't much I could do for her. She made a decision in her life and she had to live with it.

We lost contact thereafter and I didn't follow up with her on her life anymore.

I just wondered what if she had hung on to her marriage, would her life be different or less miserable? Maybe it's really something she had to go through in her life, though there was someone who gave her advices.

Many times, I came across people who come to me for advices but actually that was not their real intention. They just want to talk to someone about their problems and they knew what decisions they would make.

One cannot expect that the geomancer is great and powerful to solve everything in your life. We are not Gods. We have our own problems to deal with too. I think sometimes people have to recognise that there are things in life that we can't change. If a person is ill, he/she has to go see a doctor. If your marriage fails, you have to look at what are the issues and improve on the relationship. When a person is dying, geomancer would not be able to revive him/her simply by placing some tailsman and chanting. If you have to let go, you have to let go.

There are cases when seeing a counsellor, a doctor, a lawyer may be more appropriate than seeing a fortune teller. If I can guarantee to change your life, I'll charge you by the hour and you save on the litigation hassle. But no fengshui Masters can guarantee that. So help yourself by finding the right help.