Friday, February 2, 2018

General Outlook for 2018

By this time of the year, you would have read many zodiac predictions and general forecasts of 2018 dog year. Well, here’s my version.

This year is a Yang Earth at the top heavenly stem and Yang Earth Dog () at the bottom earthly branch. Both are Yang Earth and so it forms a Mountain Hexagram or what we call Gua . This is a  Gen Gua艮卦.

艮卦 represents young man,  children, north east, mountain, tomb, obstacle, stubbornness, solid structure, storage, quietness. It also represents numbers, 5, 7, 10.

艮卦 has one yang hexagram line at the top and two yin hexagram lines below. It is strong on the outside but hollow within. It is like a door blocking you from moving. You have to slow down to enter the tunnel at slow speed and with caution. Or it also means you have to find ways to move around the obstacle.

In other words, 2018 is a year of stoppage, new beginning, slowing down to think about what you want to do, how to do it and proceed with caution.

You can read up more about 艮卦 online.

Last year, I used the Chinese character to represent 2017. This year I would choose to use the character . It means Plow when farming. One has to use tools to loosen the soil in order to plant the seeds. Eventually there will be harvest and you can see result. If you don’t put in effort to “plow” whatever you want to do, how do you expect to see positive changes?

In 2018, industries relating to the Earth element will be doing well. Industries such as construction, property/land development and sales, renovation, horticulture, Feng Shui, banks, etc.

In terms of health, there might be more illnesses relating to headache, migraine, joint pain, stomach/intestinal issues, poor blood circulation or worse stroke. (stoppage of blood).  So for those people whose Bazi have unfavourable element of Earth, please take note of your health.

In 2018, Grand Duke is at North West, Three Killing and 5 Yellow at North, 2 Black (illness star) at West and current period prosperous start at South East.

I think you can read this up easily online. Every year, I have friends who would get paranoid and asked me where to put items to counter the negative qi.

Personally, I think there’s no need to get paranoid every year. Generally, it is more applicable if there are major renovation works happening in your house. Say for example, knowing that there is 5 Yellow and 3 Killing in North this year, then try not to do any renovation, hacking works in this sector. If you have to, choose an auspicious date and time to start the work.

To tap on the auspicious Qi 8, it would be more applicable if you have your house facing or door in the South East. If you don’t have such structures, then we’ll have to use other Fengshui methods. I’m not a believer of blindly just place a water feature at South East sector. Water is a two bladed catalyst. It can work for you or against you. So it’s better to get a geomancer to look at your house’s structure before deciding what works for you.

Even though the auspicious Qi 8 is in South East, which will probably means good news for South East countries' economy including Singapore, there is a high chance there will be changes of leadership. 

Based on the Qi Men chart for Li Chun (Start of Spring), we can see that 值符 (leader star) 杜门(blockage star) 天芮 (problem star) 马星 (horse star - denotes moving) are in South East sector. So likely we might see changes in leadership of countries and corporations. Of which we are already hearing Malaysia's election, Singapore's reshuffling of ministers. 

To round it up, I think 2018 is a better year than 2017. One has to be trustworthy, honest, prudent, stay humble and think through before speaking or acting. You will get your rewards after putting in efforts in whatever you do.