Tuesday, January 29, 2013

I'm a Jinx Bazi Analyst.

About my past. I was a cabin crew for more than 7 years. Prior to that I was working in the banking industry when I went for a holiday and saw the magnificent of Mt. Fuji from my window where I stayed.

Since then, I asked myself what job can pay me to travel, at the same time has more personal time to study Chinese Metaphysics. The regular working hours in Singapore CBD area was draining me. Life is short, I want to see the world.

And so, I took the plunge and my life changed.

During this period of flying, I get to read more, travel more and attend more classes. Among the subjects I studied, I think I have more flair in Ba Zi analysis.

And through the years, I got to see many different crews' birth chart. Very often, I would tell my friends not to consult me cos out of 10 people's chart I see, perhaps 8 of them would have marriage problem. They exist in different stages of the problem, some undetected, some in separation, and some in the mid of of a divorce.

There were 3 cases I remember vividly. The first case was a catholic male colleague. I think he was curious and so asked me over to his place for fengshui audit. On the surface, one wouldn't have detected anything wrong. He was the good father and husband who would stay home when he was not flying.

And he proudly shown me his family photo, of his wife, him and his two children.

But the chart of both him and his wife shown a clash in their marriage palace. And that his wife is running peach blossom luck. Tactfully, I told him to pay more attention to his marriage. And that though his wife had peach blossom luck, she could use it to her advantage in work and get the guys to help her out.

Two months later, he referred a client to me and he was present at the house. I asked him how he was doing. He said "Vincent, I tell you later". I didn't think much about it. I finished what I had to do, and we sat down to chat. That was when he said "Do you remember what you said about my marriage? I told my wife jokingly and she confessed she was having affair one week later."

It came as a shock. He was devestated and didn't know what to do. We chatted, and I advised him to get his wife to counselling since they usually have counselling in church. He wanted to but his wife was in a loss, and didn't wanted to. I told him, for the sake of his two children he and his wife needed to talk about it and decide what they intend to do.

Since then we didn't keep in touch. When we do bumped into each other and I asked "How are you?". He's replied would be "okay" and nothing much. I guessed I had knew too much, and in a way I was the caused of him knowing the harsh truth..

Before the crew start their day in the plane, we would all gather in the crew's briefing room. Once, this Chief Stewardess came in. To other people she looked alright, perhaps tanned. But I find her tanned "odd". Its not the usual tanned colour where the skin would shine. Rather her dark was dull on her face. So she caught my eyes and I wondered what was wrong with her.

Ironically, we worked together in the same galley. After we are done with our in-flight services, we all kinda of sat at the door crew seats chatting. Somehow the conversation was that this Chief Stewardess was advising the other stewardess not to be foolish to spend all her money on any guy but save wisely for herself.

It was a normal casual conversation, yet I sensed something hidden in the messages. I told her frankly that I was versed in bazi, and would like very much to take a look at her's if it was alright. She was very open and gave me her birth details.

The moment I saw the chart, I recognized a pattern. And so I treaded carefully "Do you mind telling me how do you survived this period?". She shared with me that she discovered her husband was having an affair and it hurt her badly. She attempted suicide but was saved. And since then her life priority shifted to her parents, though she was still married. She said if it happened again for her to catch her husband in an affair, she would not hesitate to end her marriage. And I encouraged her that marriage was not the only thing one lived for...

The third case *again??*.. and yes I am a Jinx Bazi Consultant.

I was also working with his bubbly and pretty lady. On our flight to Rome, I accidentally *or fated?* leaked out that I knew Bazi analysis. She wanted me to take a look if I can during our stay in Rome. And so I did and again I saw a pattern. I called her room but she was not around.

On our flight back to Singapore, she came look for me. We sat at the nearest crew seats next to the aircraft door. Again, I treaded careful "May I know what is your marriage status now?"..

She revealed she was in her second year separation. Her husband had found someone younger, another stewardess. While she was saying, she cried...

I asked if she had told her marriage problem to her friends or family. She said she didn't. She didn't want to burden other people with her problems. Somehow, perhaps I was destiny to talk to her. And as a stranger perhaps it was easier for her to talk to me. I let her vent out.. and that was all I can do. What had happened, had happened. There was no voodoo magic I can do or offer to help save her marriage.

And so.. the conclusion was I'm a Jinx Bazi Analyst. I'm not the one who will only tell the good things and not the bad ones. And most people who were fated to look for me, somehow have marriage problems. So consult me at your own risk...

Friday, January 25, 2013


There is this Chinese verse "阎王要你三更死,谁敢留你到五更!" - When the Hell King wants you dead by 12am, who dares to keep you till 3am?

Through the years of my bazi analysis, I have 2 cases where I have seen death signal but there was nothing much I can do in my years of knowledge to avert death. One is my grandmother and the other is a good friend. 

When my grandmother suddenly balloon down to become thin, my relatives and parents started to get worried. My parents asked me to take a look at her bazi chart since I was versed in it.

Looking at her chart, her luck period had gone on a dive from good to low. Especially so after she crossed her birthday that year. And as she was a ding fire, with water clashing on her fire. I cautioued my parents to ensure that the floor and toilet would not be slippery. 

My grandma never like to go to people's wedding, especially she had difficulties travelling due to her age. But for no reason, she went to a relative's wedding. Halfway through the dinner, she was feeling unwell and my Uncle drove her to the hospital. 

She had a heart problem (fire) due to her kidney failure (water). This was something we didn't expect as she never had major health issues besides the elderly joint pains. And so, she was on kidney dialysis.

So my parents came to me again, "what should we do now?". I suggested my grandmother to stay with my Uncle in the east side of Singapore. My grandmother didn't like to be a bother to any of her children,  soon wanted to go back to her own house to stay alone.

I suggested to keep my grandmother in my uncle's home till after the Chinese New Year, then we got my uncle's maid to stay and look after her in her home. 

I told my parents.. grandma has only 1 year, at the most 2 with us. We might have to be mentally and emotionally prepared. And let her eat what she wanted. 

And so whenever I have the time, I would visit her. Once she brought out all her medicine to show me. I also cried looking at the size and amount of tablets she had to take. I asked her if it was painful to use the dialysis machine. She said she was used to the pain now. My heart ache..

Before I went on a long flight to Hong Kong - San Francisco, I visited her again. She mentioned about a local saltish snack "Tao Sa Piah", and I told her I would bring to her the next time. 

While in Hong Kong, my Uncle message me and asked me if I can try to make it back as soon as possible as she might not make it. I quickly tried to make all arrangment as possible to take the next flight back. 

In the plane, while looking out of the window I saw little lights on the clouds that move against the plane direction. I had been flying for more than 7 years and I knew these lights were not the lights on the ground. And something tells me my grandmother was gone. These were her "
presence" or her way of telling me that she was gone.

When I touched down and called my Uncle, indeed she had left before she was able to see me one last chance. 

Ironically, her death time was the time when my plane took off. 

It seems that God, Heaven or whoever up there seems to want me to be able to know or see certain things, but did not give me the ability to change Fate. I attribute it to that I have not came across a Master who can teach me the right skill to do so. Or perhaps, it was never meant to be changed. It was meant for me to inform those alive to cherish the time that they have.

And it was so for a good friend whom I met last year 2012. It was a brief friendship. I always knew of his existence in Chinese Metaphysics discussion group for many years but never had the chance to meet him. And he stood out among the rest as he was widely read, most often we could engage in a high level discussion.

Fate has it that we finally met sometime in Mar/Apr last year. We hit off very well and became good friends. Very often all of us, who enjoyed Chinese Metaphysics would sit together, enjoy some drinks and have some discussions. 

My friend was a Chinese Metaphysics practioner himself and knew he was in a big obstacle for last year. He shown us his ba zi chart. We saw, we knew but we could only hope for the best. He was a practioner, he would probably know what to do. Besides, no one can say for sure what would happen. 

And so, we didn't expected that one day when we were supposed to meet for dinner.. he didn't turn up. His sister told us he was dead.

We were shocked that it happened so sudden. As much as we knew it was a bad year for him, but we hoped it didn't have to go this way. 

And so, King of Hell took a good friend away. 

I could only helplessly look at how Kind of Hell take people away. As much I do hope to caution people, I knew my knowledge and skills were limited to his command. 

Recently, I saw a friend's chart that has similar characteristics.. and these thoughts came back to me again. 

I gave whatever advices I could and could only crossed my fingers. There was no way I could guarantee that he might survived the ordeal. I guess.. Life is such..

Thursday, January 24, 2013

NA ~ NA ~ NA~

Strangely, all these years in the forum I have never seen people asking or discussing about this issue. Either no one knows what’s the difference or no one discovered the difference yet.  Or everyone knows exactly the difference!

During my initial years of studying fengshui, I was taught the topic of Na Jia 纳甲 into the 8 hexagram. As show in the diagram here where I downloaded from someone’s website.

And so accordingly Qian – Yang Wood , Kun – Yin Wood , Gen – Yang Fire 丙,兑 Dui – Yin Fire ,  Zhen – Yang Metal , Xun – Yin Metal , Li – Yang Water , Kan- Yin Water .  The basic theory is that Yang follows Yang, Yin follows Yin. And since Earth is in the centre, Yang and Yin Earth reside in the centre and need not be assigned.

And then you assign the 3 combines accordingly to the 4 hexagram. Eg.

Fire – Tiger, Horse, Dog
Water – Monkey, Rat, Dragon
Wood – Pig, Rabbit, Goat
Metal – Snake, Rooster, Ox.

It’s easy isn’t it? And if you are seriously into the philosophy behind it. You have to read the whole “汉京房氏” which I don’t think there is an English translator version in the market at the moment. 

Na Jia 纳甲 in very useful in Feng Shui application especially in 8 mansion and 5 ghost transporting wealth.

For example, if you are a Li Kua person and your Sheng Qi is East. So you will face your working table to the East direction. What if you can’t face east due to the office layout or some restrictions?

No worries, now you know Zhen Kua Na Jia is Yang Metal , Pig, Rabbit, Goat. So you still have Yang Metal Geng in the SW, Pig in the NW, and Goat in SW to use. These are the micro energy to tap if you can’t tap on the macro energy as ideally.

5 Ghost transporting wealth using Na Jia works in the same theory as well, except we are looking for Great Gate and Purity Hexagram.

I will not go in depth with these sharing before some Masters start scolding me for revealing too much secrets.

Feng shui Na Jia is only one version. If you have studied I-Ching, you would know that you have to apply Na Jia into the Yao Lines.  This is the second version. There Is a Na Jia Song as follows:



So this song will assign the Na Jia according to the 8 Hexegram starting from the bottom. When you know the first line, its easy to calculate the Na Jia upwards to fill up the rest of the lines. 

But have you realized in this I- Ching Na Jia the Yang Earth is assigned to Kan Water, and Yin Earth is assigned to the Li Fire? On top of that Ren Yang Water is reassigned to Qian and Gui Yin Water is assigned to Kun?

This is the difference between Na Jia in Feng Shui vs Na Jia in I-Ching application. So next time someone ask you about Na Jia. Check with him Na Jia to what!

I will not go in-depth into why Na Jia in I-Ching is assigned as such, as there is a lot of explanation to do. In a nutshell, Na Jia is actually based on the interaction between the Earth and the Moon. So it has something to do with where the Moon is at a certain period. 

But more importantly, has your I-Ching teacher tells you why we need to Na Jia? Since most of the time you only need to use the 12 horoscopes animal and not the 12 Heavenly stems. Well, it has something to do with Na Yin. There are methodology where after assigning Na Jia, you can analyze further by looking at the Na Yin 纳音 of the lines. 

Na Jia 纳甲 and Na Yin 纳音?? Yes, don’t get yourself confused. They are two different application and methodology. So if you are new to Chinese Metaphysics. I suggest you start from the basic and read up on them before you get confused. Again, I will not go into the big area of Na Yin. You have to read it up yourself or wait till one day I will conduct a course on it. :P

And so, I’m not trying to brag but by reading my blog you have learnt something probably some “Masters” are not aware of, or they do not tell you in class. Afterall, better to dissect them into mini subject booklet for sales would be a good idea isn’t it. Anyone wish to sign me up??

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Have you bought your Title yet?

 Since the old China days, there were people who paid good money to get an official title in the imperial court so they could bring glory to their family. So there were rich merchants who just wanted an official title under their belt, or rich family buying the title for the Sons.

This practice never go away in our modern society. Even now, you can always buy a degree with some Universities and proclaim your intelligence. 

And so goes the same for Chinese Metaphysics "Masters". 

Recently, I was shown the invitation to China's Fourth World Yi Jing Congress. Alot of Masters were invited from different countries including Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macua, Korea and of course China.

During the Congress, there would be people presenting papers in their respective field. But the highlight of the Congress was the conferring Title. In the invitation, there was this portion where one get to choose what Title he would like to have : “泰斗”-The Best“导师”-teacher“十大”-Top Ten“策划师”- Analyst论文奖”- Essay.

Well each category comes with a price. All you have to do is to sponsor the organizer according to the category pricing, you will get a Flag and a Certificate for that category. Sounds like a good deal isn’t it?

Ok, lets take a look at the price for each category:

To be nominated for the best in the various field below – 8000RMB
012012年度世界易学泰斗          022012年度全球易学泰斗
032012年度亚洲易学泰斗          042012年度国际易学泰斗
052012年度华夏易学泰斗          062012年度中华易学泰斗
072012年度中国易学泰斗          082012年度世界风水泰斗
092012年度世界堪舆泰斗          102012年度世界择吉日泰斗
112012年度世界玄空泰斗          122012年度世界奇门遁甲泰斗
132012年度世界四柱泰斗          142012年度世界术数泰斗
152012年度世界易理泰斗          162012年度世界六爻泰斗
172012年度世界起名泰斗          182012年度世界大六壬泰斗
192012年度世界相学泰斗          202012年度世界易医泰斗

To be nominated for the Teacher in the various field below: 5000RMB
012012年度世界易学导师                022012年度全球易学导师
032012年度亚洲易学导师                042012年度国际易学导师
052012年度华夏易学导师                062012年度中华易学导师
072012年度中国易学导师                082012年度世界风水导师
092012年度世界堪舆导师                102012年度世界择吉日导师
112012年度世界玄空导师                122012年度世界奇门遁甲导师
132012年度世界四柱导师                142012年度世界术数导师
152012年度世界易理导师                162012年度世界六爻导师
172012年度世界起名导师                182012年度世界大六壬导师
192012年度世界相学导师                202012年度世界易医导师

To be nominated for “Top Ten” in the various field below: 3000 RMB

052012年度世界易学十大领军人物        062012年度世界风水十大领军机构
072012年度世界易学十大高级策划师      082012年度世界建筑风水十大高级策划师
092012年度世界堪舆风水十大高级策划师  102012年度世界企业风水十大高级策划师
112012年度世界地理风水十大高级策划师  122012年度世界相学十大高级策划师
132012年度世界阴阳宅十大高级策划师    142012年度世界择吉日十大高级策划师
152012年度世界奇门遁甲十大高级策划师  162012年度世界四柱预测十大高级策划师
172012年度世界术数预测十大高级策划师  182012年度世界易理预测十大高级策划师
192012年度世界六爻预测十大高级策划师  202012年度世界命名十大策划高级策划师
212012年度世界玄空风水十大高级策划师  222012年度世界大六壬十大高级策划师

There are just too too many fields and category one can choose from and so I will not translate them. 

And so, one can easily get a desired title to display in their shop window, or to announce to the world. But whether this person has the real skill and etiquettes is a question. Seriously, how do we decide whether someone has attained the right level in their field of study to start doing audit/ consultation for others? How can one say my method is right and yours is wrong?...

Till then.. perhaps let’s start to decide what title to buy for our new cabinet.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Did You Catch the Right Ghost?

This is the first time I'm writing a blog, so do pardon me if my blog looks novice and raw. Feedback on how to improve my blog is welcome.

I have always wanted to write my blog. Pen down my travel experiences with photos, my thoughts and idea, especially when I have written so many stuff through the years on my hobby in Chinese Metaphysics. They are everywhere in different forum. I should have one centralize place to keep all of them. They are my own thoughts. 

Anyway, better late than never. And I was wondering what to write. I don't want to start my blog for the sake of writing without inspiration. And so, my first writing own its fate to the seminar I attended today - Joey Yap's Feng Shui and Astrology 2013 Seminar.

Though I have seen his DVD, read his articles and books, I have never seen him in person. When we talk about Fengshui Master from Malaysia, many would often think of JY and LT. I have heard how their seminars were often filled with people, and they spoke with charismatic charm.

I was very fortunate to be invited by Fiona and Eileen to attend JY's seminar today and experienced it myself. 

I must say I am impressed with him throughout the seminar. JY knew what he was talking, he was not afraid to bitch at the audience for asking stupid questions in an unoffensive way, he was organized in his materials and delivery, and he offered more than what other Masters do for an unusual zodiac prediction towards a lunar new year.

Anyway, towards the last few hours of the seminar we were given a few auspicious dates and time. One of the dates was a 10 Feb 13, and that 5 ghost direction was in East. 

On my way home, thoughts started showering in my mind. I knew there were different variations/ applications of ghosts in Chinese Metaphysic:
1)    8 Mansion
2)    Tan Lang 9 Star (Water formula) – Five Ghost Transporting Wealth (FGTW)
3)    4P/ Zi Wei Symbolic Star
4)    Flying Star – I know there are people using 5 Yellow as a form of 5 FGTW
5)    Tong Shen Almanac
6)    Taoist Ritual – Ghost here indicate spirits from 5 directions (North, South, East, West, Central)
7)    Zhong Kuai 钟馗五鬼运财 Painting
In the Tong Shen Almanac, the 2013 symbolic stars 5 ghost is in the west. 

But is it using the same methodology as the 5 ghost on 10 Feb? What is it based on? Year, Month, Day, Hour pillar?

And so after I gone back I started flipping my books and searching the Internet for an answer. (I haven’t even showered or had my dinner!).
Internet results were based on month earthly branch, however based on 真本金吊桶秘笈 is it based on year. Both have the same methodology of:
四柱八字中五鬼星的查法如下。In Four pillars, method for finding 5 Ghost as follow:
以生月月支查其他地支见者即是 Using Month earthly branch, check if appear in any other pillars
子月支见辰支 Rat Month meet Dragon
丑月支见巳支 Ox Month meet Snake
寅月支见午支 Tiger Month meet Horse
卯月支见未支 Rabbit Month meet Goat
辰月支见申支 Dragon Month meet Monkey
巳月支见酉支 Snake Month meet rooster
午月支见戌支 Horse month meet Dog
未月支见亥支 Goat Month meet Pig
申月支见子支 Monkey Month meet Rat
酉月支见丑支 Rooster Month meet Ox
戌月支见寅支 Dog Month meet Tiger
亥月支见卯支 Pig Month meet Rabbit
五鬼星的解释主破财、人口不安、疾病、死亡。5 Ghost star is described as: loss of wealth, disharmony, illnesses and death. 

Okay, doesn’t matter that on the Internet others wrote that it is based on month, and the book is based on year, as long as the methods are the same. That is to calculate 5 Ghost Star it is based on the theory 5 ghost is at the same place as Yang Sword 阳刃 of the three combination. Based on the year EB, it is the next 3 combine element. Eg.

Year is Rat, so 5 Ghost at Dragon (Monkey+Rat+Dragon)
Year is Ox, so 5 ghost at Snake (Snake+Rooster+Ox)
Year is Tiger, so 5 ghost is at Horse (Tiger+Horse+Dog)

And so on.. Thus 2013 which is a 癸巳 (snake year), 5 ghost is at Rooster (West).
Okay, that explains the year symbolic star why 5 ghost is at west. But by applying to 10 Feb, given the day is 丁未 goat, why is the 5 ghost not at Hai Pig??? But in the East??

Could it be the printer’s error?

I looked at another book 通胜堂 标准万年历, and look at the list of symbolic stars there. The only “ghost” listed was 破败五鬼 based on year heavenly stem. But is this “ghost” the same “ghost” as the above?. But the Tong Shen almanc only said 五鬼 and not the full name 破败五鬼。(Destruct Failure 5 Ghost). And why is the methodology different??

And so the research continues. Thank goodness I have another book “协纪辩方书”. And this book was my saviour…almost…

  This was explained very clearly that there are two different ghost. One is the “5 ghost” and the other “Destruct Failure 5 Ghost”.

The “Destruct Failure 5 Ghost – DF5G” 破败五鬼 is based on that the DF5G is at the opposite direction of the Year Heavenly Stem, which is Na Jia 纳甲 to the Later Heaven Hexagram.

Na Jia is based on assigning the 12 Heavenly stems to the I-Ching Hexagram line. Without the technicality, Jia – Qian , Yi – Kun , Bing – Gen , Ding – Dui, Wu – Kan , Ji – Li , Ren – Jia , Gui - Kun .

So DF5G being at the opposite will be - E.g 10 Feb is 丁未 NaJia in Dui West Zhen East.

That explains why the “5 ghost” on 10 Feb is in the East as it is a different ghost.

Then came another problem…

The “5 ghost” in 协纪辩方书 methodology is different from the one in 真本金吊桶秘笈。Both are just named 五鬼 but the one in 协纪辩方书 is based on the methodology of starting the Rat Year in Dragon, and going in reversed cycle. That is Rat year – Dragon, Ox year – Rabbit, Tiger year – Tiger, Rabbit Year – Ox, and so forth.

The theory is that Dragon and Rat is Water’s essence, Ox and Rabbit is Wood’s essence, Goat and Rooster is Metal’s essence, Horse and Dog is Fire’s essence.

Tiger, Snake, Monkey and Pig is Earth’s essence that can grow all living things which is also the Birth 长生 of the 5 elements. Thus when Rat year goes against the dragon, it is natural that they will combine.

But why the reverse cycle? 5 ghost is based on one of the Chinese 28 constellation (the ecliptic), the aura of the Ghost Palace 鬼宿星团 (Cancer).  If we were to say Rat Year starts on Dragon, going forward is Yang and is Human, going backward is Yin and is Ghost. This aura is never in existence. As there are about 200- 350 constellation stars within this Ghost Palace, and that the distance is 600 light years to Earth. Due to the distance, it looks like an aura ball of white Qi looking from Earth.

And so this was the third “ghost”..

What about the Ghost in Lian Zhen (Purity) of Tan Lang 9 Star?

Lian Zhen is actually one of North Dipper star (北斗七星), Alioth in the Great Bear Palace. It is the brightest and is near to the Bear’s tail. In sea navigation history, it is often used by the seamen. 

In China’s recorded history (史记)  the heavenly official book (天官书) it is called 玉衡 (Jade Balance). During the Tang Dynasty a Buddhism book “Buddha talks on Dipper 7 star extending life sutra” 佛说北斗七星延命经 state this star as Lian Zhen (Literally meaning Justice and pure – Lian Zhen) is the Eastern world spreading logic Buddha. 南无廉贞星。是东方净住世界广达智辨如来佛。

Lian Zhen is used in 八宅明镜 8 Mansion as the 5 ghost or Lai Po Yi’s Flipping the 9 star hexagram, of which derives the 5 ghost transporting wealth water formula (赖布衣) 九星翻卦之五鬼运财水法. As both uses Lian Zhen (the fifth dipper star) which is deemed to be inauspicious in this methology.

And so … have you caught the right ghost?...