Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Art of Strategies

The basic concept of dealing with aggression/ attack/ sha transcends between different Chinese arts.

In martial arts, there are general (3+1) categories of techniques:

Attack – punch, kick, thrust, push, throws, etc.

Defence – block, dodge, etc

Neutralise – acupressure points grip, immobilizing, joint locks, etc

Protect - And to wear protective armour, carry shields, to protect one-self. 

Similarly in Feng Shui, there are generally 4 categories of techniques to deal with Sha:

Attack: Cannon structure, triangle structure (fire) against round structure (metal), etc

Defence – use of walls, bi-folded screens, etc

Exhaust/ Neutalise – To use water fountain/wavy structure (Water) against round structure (metal).

Protect – Use of talisman, Qi Ling or Pi Xiu, etc. 

So when someone was to attack you, there are many ways to handle the situation instead of attacking the person.

In Taiji, there is a concept of ” 四量博千斤”- meaning to use minimal energy to convert your enemy’s energy and use it to your advantage.  For example, if a big guy is moving forward to attack you, you do not charge towards him or block him as you cannot handle his strength. Instead, you dodge, grab and push him in the direction he is moving, at the same time kick his leg (which is the Yin or the weak point). This will make him fall and his own body or energy will hurt himself. 

In Fengshui, there are similar concepts also. We often heard the words "冲起乐宫无价宝”- To clash into an auspicious palace is priceless. For example, facing a direct T-junction is often considered as no good. But if you know how to convert the negative sha to your advantage, you will find that there are actually businesses who are at T-junctions that are doing very well.

Similarly, in interpersonal relationship when someone provoke you. You don’t have to attack or confront the person. Instead you could draw the person closer to you to expose his weakness, or gather more information. Then you could convert him into your ally or turn the situation against him.

Theoretically, these all sound fantastic but one must stay calm, analyze the situation and apply the techniques to get your results. If all things fail, well the last of 36 strategies states "走为上策“  - RUN!

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