Friday, January 25, 2013


There is this Chinese verse "阎王要你三更死,谁敢留你到五更!" - When the Hell King wants you dead by 12am, who dares to keep you till 3am?

Through the years of my bazi analysis, I have 2 cases where I have seen death signal but there was nothing much I can do in my years of knowledge to avert death. One is my grandmother and the other is a good friend. 

When my grandmother suddenly balloon down to become thin, my relatives and parents started to get worried. My parents asked me to take a look at her bazi chart since I was versed in it.

Looking at her chart, her luck period had gone on a dive from good to low. Especially so after she crossed her birthday that year. And as she was a ding fire, with water clashing on her fire. I cautioued my parents to ensure that the floor and toilet would not be slippery. 

My grandma never like to go to people's wedding, especially she had difficulties travelling due to her age. But for no reason, she went to a relative's wedding. Halfway through the dinner, she was feeling unwell and my Uncle drove her to the hospital. 

She had a heart problem (fire) due to her kidney failure (water). This was something we didn't expect as she never had major health issues besides the elderly joint pains. And so, she was on kidney dialysis.

So my parents came to me again, "what should we do now?". I suggested my grandmother to stay with my Uncle in the east side of Singapore. My grandmother didn't like to be a bother to any of her children,  soon wanted to go back to her own house to stay alone.

I suggested to keep my grandmother in my uncle's home till after the Chinese New Year, then we got my uncle's maid to stay and look after her in her home. 

I told my parents.. grandma has only 1 year, at the most 2 with us. We might have to be mentally and emotionally prepared. And let her eat what she wanted. 

And so whenever I have the time, I would visit her. Once she brought out all her medicine to show me. I also cried looking at the size and amount of tablets she had to take. I asked her if it was painful to use the dialysis machine. She said she was used to the pain now. My heart ache..

Before I went on a long flight to Hong Kong - San Francisco, I visited her again. She mentioned about a local saltish snack "Tao Sa Piah", and I told her I would bring to her the next time. 

While in Hong Kong, my Uncle message me and asked me if I can try to make it back as soon as possible as she might not make it. I quickly tried to make all arrangment as possible to take the next flight back. 

In the plane, while looking out of the window I saw little lights on the clouds that move against the plane direction. I had been flying for more than 7 years and I knew these lights were not the lights on the ground. And something tells me my grandmother was gone. These were her "
presence" or her way of telling me that she was gone.

When I touched down and called my Uncle, indeed she had left before she was able to see me one last chance. 

Ironically, her death time was the time when my plane took off. 

It seems that God, Heaven or whoever up there seems to want me to be able to know or see certain things, but did not give me the ability to change Fate. I attribute it to that I have not came across a Master who can teach me the right skill to do so. Or perhaps, it was never meant to be changed. It was meant for me to inform those alive to cherish the time that they have.

And it was so for a good friend whom I met last year 2012. It was a brief friendship. I always knew of his existence in Chinese Metaphysics discussion group for many years but never had the chance to meet him. And he stood out among the rest as he was widely read, most often we could engage in a high level discussion.

Fate has it that we finally met sometime in Mar/Apr last year. We hit off very well and became good friends. Very often all of us, who enjoyed Chinese Metaphysics would sit together, enjoy some drinks and have some discussions. 

My friend was a Chinese Metaphysics practioner himself and knew he was in a big obstacle for last year. He shown us his ba zi chart. We saw, we knew but we could only hope for the best. He was a practioner, he would probably know what to do. Besides, no one can say for sure what would happen. 

And so, we didn't expected that one day when we were supposed to meet for dinner.. he didn't turn up. His sister told us he was dead.

We were shocked that it happened so sudden. As much as we knew it was a bad year for him, but we hoped it didn't have to go this way. 

And so, King of Hell took a good friend away. 

I could only helplessly look at how Kind of Hell take people away. As much I do hope to caution people, I knew my knowledge and skills were limited to his command. 

Recently, I saw a friend's chart that has similar characteristics.. and these thoughts came back to me again. 

I gave whatever advices I could and could only crossed my fingers. There was no way I could guarantee that he might survived the ordeal. I guess.. Life is such..

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