Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Looking into 2021 - Coronavirus perspective

We started the Gang Zi year with bad news of the coronavirus. We never thought this virus could spread so fast and stay so long. 

And it caused a devastating effect on the economy, pushing far worse than what the trade war had done. It also caused a lot of social problems. People panicked and hoard all the groceries they can get. People blamed and bullied Asians for the virus. 

As we keep hearing the bad news everyday, we asked ourselves when will things get better? When will the virus stop?

Some medical experts said things should get better in summer, some said it’s going to stay for a long while. 

As of now, they are still researching on the vaccines and understanding how this virus works. 

Before I go on, I must add a disclaimer that I’m not a medical professional. What I do is just read, decipher and make inference from the elements from my training and experience in Chinese metaphysics. 

Please read it with a pinch of salt. 

So last year as I was showering, it just hit me (like awakening) that 2020 Geng Zi year would be a very bad year. I quickly wrote some parts of it, which I hope people who read it and could understand what I was writing and where I was coming from. 

At the same time, I was also skeptical about it. What could have happened that would caused a major destruction? The trade war? Earthquakes and Tsunami? It didn’t occur to me that it would come in the form of a virus attacking the respiration system.

And it happened so quickly that it caught the world off-guarded. 

So I can’t help but looked forward to next year 2021’s bazi Xin Chou year. 

We look at the elements separately and individually. 

Xin 辛 (Yin Metal) - is small metal like needles, jewellery, key, knife, etc. 

Inside the body, it represents respiration systems such as lungs, nose, skin, sickness like asthma, cough, flu, nerves pain, skin related disorder/disease, or rheumatism, etc. 

The word Xin 辛 is also associated with negative Chinese words like misery 辛苦, bitterness 辛酸, 

Chou (Yin Earth) 丑 - is like a cold wet swamp or muddy water.

Inside the body, it represents spleen, stomach. sickness like diarrhea, stomach bloating, food poisoning, nausea, etc. 

The word Chou 丑 is also associated with negative Chinese words like ugly, dirty, insulting, undesirable.  

Put it together and view it as a whole. I would say the coronavirus would still continue to be around into 2021.


Chou is a wet cold earth containing the elements of yin metal,  yin water and yin earth. It is also called a storage of Metal or a storage of Water. 

If there is no Xin metal on top of Chou, I would say the virus is likely to be contained and will not cause any problem. The yin elements are “stored” within the earth. As long as you don’t break it, the elements will not be leaked out and cause any issue. 

However in this case, the Xin metal is on top of Chou. Xin Metal represents the negative Qi of Metal (lungs) which was brought forward by the Yang Metal in 2020. And if Yang Metal is known as White Tiger, then Yin Metal is known as “small white tiger”. 

The effect may not be as devastating as White Tiger Yang Metal (finger crossed) but still it’s there. 

So in this case, it is almost like a tube/needle above a bottle. The negative Qi is let/leaked out. So the virus would still continue to exist. 

At the same time, because it is Xin Chou 辛丑, Xin is like polluted substances floating on top of a dirty water. There might be other diseases or illnesses that will affect us. Our immune systems will be low in 2021. 

We have to be careful of what we eat or drink. 

Also it could represent a body floating on water. So please avoid water trips or near water area. 

I will stop here and not dwell too much into 2021. We’ll look at the chart again nearer to the year. 

I’m only writing this pertaining to the COVID19 virus, whether it will be resolved by this year, which I doubt so. 

And a friend was saying, shouldn’t the virus be gone in Summer? I looked at the monthly bazi of this year’s summer, Xin Si 辛巳, Ren Wu 壬午, Gui Wei 癸未. I said unlikely. The fires are all suppressed with yin metal and water. No help. 

And so in my view, which I hope I was wrong, that this virus is going to be around for quite some time probably into near year. And gosh, now it’s only March. 


  1. Fascinating analysis from Chinese metaphysical perspective. What are your thoughts in school system? Will they continue to close and students will take classes online?

  2. Here is the problem with water, if rats start dying, if rats can get the virus, it's far from over https://www.google.com/amp/s/api.nationalgeographic.com/distribution/public/amp/animals/2020/03/urban-rats-search-for-food-coronavirus

  3. Hey things are getting really crazy now,look into the stars and make a new post and actually it is faster to make a video.

  4. Things are getting really crazy now, you really should make a new post.
